Volgograd Records Project
Please consider donating to the Volgograd Records Project. Doris Evans, VC-Frank heads this project and has coordinated the purchase of these records for the villages of Frank, Hussenbach, Kraft, Kolb and Walter.
The cost of purchasing the records has amounted to tens of thousands of dollars. The Hussenbach records alone are currently at $17,000.
The Volgograd Records Project consists of the following:
Frank (Medveditskii Buerak, Krestovyi Buerak) -
Births - 1839-1886, 1896-1906
Deaths - 1839-1868, 1877-1901, 1904
Marriages - 1839-1910
The Birth records from 1839-1864 have been translated by Judi Jarret. Maggie Hein and Tanya Schell will be doing the translations as time allows for the rest of the records, however with over 3,000 pages of records this will be quite a herculean task for these two so please be patient.
Hussenbach (Linevo Ozero, Ustenbach) -
Births - 1818-1899, 1902-1909
Deaths - 1818-1858, 1862-1895, 1900-1908
Marriages - 1818-1838, 1902-1908
The Birth, Death, and Marriage records from 1818-1839 have been translated so far by Susan Nakaji. After she completes adding the 1857 Census to the Hussenbach database she will start on the next set of records from 1839+ until she gets into the 1895+ records as those are partly in Russian and will need help with them (any volunteers?)
Kolb (Peskovatka, Peskovka) -
Births - 1873-1913
Deaths - 1873-1911
Marriages - 1845-1907
Church Book Extracts - Death Certificates
Draftees Lists - 1884-1894, 1900-1915
The Birth, Death, and Marriage records have all been translated by Judi Jarret. Well done Judy, thanks!
Kraft (Verkhnyay Gryaznukha) -
Births - 1848-1866, 1885-1896, 1901-1902
Deaths - 1904
Marriages - 1895, 1905
Census - 1767, 1834, 1850, 1857
Per Doris, she has been totally reimbursed for the Kraft records from Ron Burkett and Ed Wagner. Any donation for the Kraft records should be made directly to Ron Burkett, PO Box 1385, Ruidoso, NM 88355, rwburkett@gmail.com .
Walter (Grechinaya Luga, Grechikhino, Grechinnaya Luka) -
Births - 1839-1900, 1903-1913
Deaths - 1839-1870
Marriages - 1839-1870, 1894-1895
Class Register of Zemstvo School
Draftee Lists - 1890-1892
Extracts from the Family List on Military Duty - 1903, 1907, 1909, 1911, 1912-1918
The Walter records have all been completed - Woo Hoo! Translations were done by Mary Mills, Michael Fyler, and Jerry McInnis, with indexing by Dorothy Elrod.
Due to the changing climate in Russia it is imperative that we retrieve as many records as possible while there is still time. Because of this sense of urgency Doris Evans generously incurred the initial financial burden to obtain these records. As a result, each village is working hard on fund raising to repay Doris for her out-of-pocket expenses.
A non-profit status has been established by the Oregon Chapter of AHSGR to help support this effort. If you want your donation to be tax deductible then you should send your check to the Oregon Chapter of AHSGR. Be sure to indicate on the check EVANS-Village of #####.
Oregon Chapter of AHSGR
Lois Klaus, Treasurer
111 N.E. 67th Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97213-5029
E-mail: lkklaus@earthlink.net
Telephone: (503) 232-3065
If you don't care if your donation is tax deductible then you can send your check directly to Doris.
Doris Evans, VC-Frank
4148 Christensen Road E.
Almira, Washington 99103
Email: evansdfe@aol.com
Telephone: (509) 639-2284
Any questions concerning this project can be directed at Doris Evans.